the definitive ranking of drumsticks
Messina Roasted Hazelnut : The best drummy you will ever eat. It is subtle, beautiful and everything else pales in comparison . Not sickly sweet and doesn’t make you feel like your teeth have turned to swiss cheese from cavities that’s why you can finish a box in an evening.
Caramel Swirl: A delicious classique option that everyone loves - the Kelly Rowland of the top three if you will. She’s gorg, beyond talented and delicious but not Beyonce.
White chocolate & Salted Caramel: This sugar bomb is best one the first day of your period but it hasn’t come yet so you are a bloated, wild beast ready to kill a man with your bare hands with no idea WHY. But when it comes you surf that crimson wave to the nearest servo and get this bb, a can of coke and some hot chips w chicken salt
clown tier
If you eat these I genuinely fear for our future, these are not the drummys of people that believe in climate science.
base tier
Classic Vanilla, Super Choc, MegaTip & Affogato drummy’s will do you in a pinch but know they will not fill the Roast Hazelnut hole in your heart and/or butt. These basic bitches are wanted tyvm - these are the horse gals, the Dungeons & Dragons fellas and the weirdly religious kids. Sure they are a little bland, sure they dont say much, sure they smell funny sometimes but ultimately they are sweet and harmless and one day they will save you on a hot day when your blood sugar is low and you wont believe your eyeballs.