how 2 get off fast fashion when UR an ageing mIllennial addicted 2 supré
Are you obsessed with the serotonin dump of shopping but also very aware you are stuck in an endless capitalist cycle of consumerism that is slowly eating away at your soul, searching for the skirt, dress or cute stupid little top that will transform you into appearing like a functioning adult?
Are you longing to Marie Kondo your clothing and starting again, this time being more focused on the human costs associated with your aesthetic and doing the ~right thing~?
If this is you, fear not! This is my guide for doing just that. Follow these steps to start a new life where you can hold your head high in the knowledge you have done the WORK and deserve to be a full on linen snob.
TLDR: Ask your smartest, most ethical girlfriend - she achieved this years ago and can show you.
Also I will say, ageing millennial is n o t a geriatric millennial. We had Supré, they had god knows what (like I mentioned I am simply too young to know), we are not the same
Like anything in this god forsaken world, deciding to do the right thing comes at a cost. It will cost you more and take you longer to build the wardrobe what you want. More $$ for less? Gross not for me, an instant gratification goblin.
So why bother? Long term these small changes means that brands will need to change their practices to make sustainability and the ethical treatment of the people in their supply chains a serious part of their business practices, so really you’re saving the world through doing this important work (shopping) and I feel like Elle Woods would be proud of us.
step 1.
Declutter your existing wardrobe by getting rid of your old Supré. This is v hard - I see and hear you but truly that baby pink terry toweling mini skirt is on its tenth life and its as bad now as when your mother inadvertently body shamed you in front of a boy you were trying to impress when you were 15 and HE AGREED WITH HER. The pain never ceases.
Once you have your mountain of garments made by Bangladeshi children, sort out what you can pass on, donate or sell on marketplace to continue the cycle of profiteering of slave labor.
Before we get to the whomst (🧐) we need to know the what, so brainstorm:
What activities do you spend most of your time doing? If you are a human living in a capitalist wasteland and not a pony living in a field, you will have a job - whats the dress code there? Repeat for the other activities and consider how you want to present yourself for each, and any accessibility needs that might be unique to you! (ie activewear for yoga or swimming etc)
Get online and google/ pinterest: what style you’re looking for, the items you want and some ideas where you ca source them (see below for some extra resources re this)
Realise the cost to your wallet in making this decision and cry. Then think about Bangladeshi women in poverty and realise you are Kim K in the people are dying meme but continue crying for us all
🗣PSA: Dont forget to look local! Find markets, join fb groups and hit op shops in the rich parts of town!
step 2.
Step 3.
Now you know the what and the who its time to hit the streets diva! (if you can and are not currently locked down duh) Shop for items that will last and will go with pieces that survived the cull and ideally something you can dress up or down over seasons. Be patient! This process will take time!
Not only does this minimise the human toll by avoiding fast fashion your clothes will also come with a feeling of superiority and virtue you must alert others to immediately.
Finally, don’t forget, you can no longer buy from fast fashion dogs - I’m sorry but like, obviously this is the first thing you must acknowledge? Dang wake up. Hehe! obviously this is a behavioural change so it’ll take time and also sometimes you cant avoid it so don’t beat yourself up if you do!
Also before you go to shop somewhere, google them and see what the hiring and manufacturing processes are like and see if the $2 tote is worth it. 👀👀👀
Additional ReSourCeS
Check out this site, ethical clothing Australia to get started finding exactly what the link says
An excellent article on the Guardian re terminology to look out for on your ~journey~ by Aja Barber (v good explainer on greenwashing which is basically gaslighting)
Clare Press ig - this diva is leading knowledge sharing in Australia w her podcast, books and academy, the Wardrobe Crisis Academy
Ps my most ethical gf complied this list of resources so you know they’re legit ;) ty Hayley!